Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Anti-Social Police Behaviour

with 23 comments

Out Of Control

The British police are out of control.  Far from becoming a politically correct “service”, they’re moving more and more towards the “force” ethos, promoting their own self-interest and resisting all attempts to be subject to democratic control.  The sooner we get elected police commissioners the better.  Those presently in charge of the police increasingly place themselves above the law and regard the public as the opposition, not the people they are paid to protect and serve.

They’re even trying to frighten us over the spending cuts, suggesting that any reduction in police budgets will lead to increased crime and disorder.  What other public service with its budget under threat uses direct fear of violence as its response?  I call that scaremongering.  I call it precious close to a protection racket, to blackmail and extortion.

The police are very, very good at road accidents.  There are brave and clever men and women in anti-terrorism and serious crime.  But we lost the British bobby sometime ago now.  I’d say it was in the 1990s.  Dixon Of Dock Green had retired to the other side of the world.  Jack Regan was supposed to have gone but he returned disguised as Gene Hunt.  The TSG continued its long tradition of brutality providing a career path for violent thugs.  The term “institutionalised racism” was coined.  The cars got faster.  The uniforms got sexier in a Nazi stormtrooper sort of way.   Meanwhile, in parallel,  the gay rights, politically correct, sociology graduates and new Labour bureaucrats gained influence and these two factions, fundamentally incompatible, consumed huge quantities of police time and procedure,  and eventually created a perfect storm of bureaucracy, corruption and laziness.  The police lost touch with the people completely.

The police don’t want to be accountable to anybody.   Even when they assault members of the public, even when innocent bystanders die at the hands of police officers in disguise, they close ranks, obstruct justice, lie, cheat and dissemble to avoid the consequences.  Now,  Sir Paul Stephenson, not content with the way his officers pervert the criminal justice system, wants some sort of immunity from the civil courts.  His secret letter to Theresa May, seeking protection against officers being sued for brutality or wrongful arrest is a disgrace.  See here. It reveals his true intentions only too clearly.  He even wants to charge for requests under the Freedom Of Information Act, further tightening the police culture of secrecy and concealment.   It is truly terrifying that Britain’s most senior police officer should even contemplate such ideas.  It is the very opposite of responsibility and conclusive proof that he is not a fit and proper person to be any sort of policeman, let alone commissioner of the Metropolitan police.  Theresa May should dismiss him immediately.   He is a power hungry, manipulative, enemy of justice.  No sort of protector or champion or servant of the public at all.

When it comes to the brutal assault by Sergeant Delroy Smellie on Nicola Fisher or the death of Ian Tomlinson, clearly caused by PC Simon Harwood, most of us would be prepared to accept the “bad apple” argument.   Yet somehow, in the Nicola Fisher case, District Judge Daphne Wickham was persuaded to refuse to hear Ms Fisher’s statement in court.  Somehow,  over a year and a half after Ian Tomlinson was killed, PC Harwood has still not been called to account for his actions and is still suspended on full pay.  Neither have his colleagues who blatantly lied and tried to cover up what had happened.  The truth is these men are not bad apples.  They are the deliberate product of the Met’s Territorial Support Group (TSG).  In hiding their identification and using brutal, disproportionate violence, they are entirely consistent with the culture and training that their senior officers have designed.


Of course, there are still good cops, selfless, conscientious heroes like PC Bill Barker who genuinely seek to serve the public.  He gave his life while protecting people during the Cumbrian floods.  See here.   He deserves every honour that we can bestow on him.  He shames all those corrupt, cowardly bullies that infect our country, that hide in their offices and cars, that display their vile and despicable attitudes on the Inspector Gadget website.   Officers like PC Barker are now in the minority, in full scale retreat, ridiculed and excluded by a wannabe Gene Hunt culture that has attracted more and more borderline psychopaths to the paramilitary uniform and fast car culture.

Role Model

Now they don’t even think that anti-social behaviour is police work.  It’s not exciting or glamorous enough.  In the early noughties in North Kensington, I saw how the police completely lost control of the Avenues, the terraced houses between the Harrow Road and Queens Park.  The police from Kilburn and Paddington Green stations were in full scale retreat, absolutely impotent and useless in the face of gangs of kids aged 10 – 16, on the streets at all hours, abusing people, keying cars, throwing eggs and laughing at any authority or discipline.   Those hooligans and yobs are now breeding and the police are reaping what they’ve sown.  I expect their solution will be violence and “fit-ups”.  They’re no different from the lowlife,  layabouts themselves.  They’re just two sides of the same coin.

Illegal Weapon

The Raoul Moat affair revealed how the police have lost the plot.   While some officers proved their courage and worth, others indulged in an orgy of technology, expense, hiding behind their procedures and precautions.  Others used banned super-Tasers, illegally obtained from their cronies in the arms industry and undoubtedly caused the death of the mad nutter.  Not a bad result but achieved in a dreadful way.  It was a dismal and demeaning epsiode for all concerned.  See here.

Corruption is endemic in the police.  It starts at the beginning of every shift and continues off duty.  At its worst, it’s the disgusting spectacle of PC Stephen Mitchell in Newcastle, who inflicted his sexual desires and drug appetite on those he arrested.  See here.  At the everyday, commonplace level, it’s the copper who confiscates a bag of weed and takes it home to smoke himself, or who brutalises a wheelchair bound medicinal cannabis user.  It’s the thugs who think it’s acceptable to terrorise and batter an old man over a motoring offence.  See here.

Elected police commissioners are our only hope.  I applaud the coalition government for bringing forward this proposal and acting on it.  I see no other way of rolling back the  Stasi-like culture that the Labour party has allowed to flourish.  Beware though, those that put themselves forward for election as a commissioners are in the front line.  They risk the attention of the police establishment in ways that we cannot yet know.  I wonder how many candidates will have their personal lives investigated and possibly fabricated?  Any prospective commissioner who wants to disrupt the comfortable life of the police may find himself in the firing line.   All sorts of inconveniences,  stops and searches, investigations and embarrassments may be just around the corner.

The police want us to believe that if they are squeezed in the spending review we will face danger, disorder and violence in the streets.  Instead, what we must do is paralyse the police bureaucracy, starve it of the resources it needs to promote its self-fulfilling prophecies and force officers back onto the streets. We will pay for shoe leather but not for air conditioned limousines.  We will support bobbies on the beat but not poseurs in flashy SUVs.   We will not tolerate any sort of discrimination or favouritism.  No officer may be a freemason or belong to any secret organsation.  We must fight for the soul and integrity of our police service against the corrupt thugs that have infiltrated it.

The British people deserve police officers they can be proud of.

23 Responses

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  1. Lol idiot…


    October 17, 2010 at 9:05 am

    • QED!

      You do my job for me. You prove my point.

      Your site ( is exactly the same as Inspector Gadget’s – a dreadful display of attitudes that are incompatible with suitability to be a police officer

      Peter Reynolds

      October 17, 2010 at 9:17 am

      • I’m confused about your posting. You condemn the police for being too violent, assaulting the public, and you call them Nazi Stormtroopers. But then you complain that they “lost control” to a bunch of kids.

        So which do you want? After reading your anti-police ranting, I can tell you would not be satisfied with any outcome. If the police were able to “control” the Avenues, wouldn’t you start ranting about how thuggish they are? I don’t think you know what kind of police you want and instead you just prefer to bleat.

        Then you complaint about a taser being used against that Moat scum? He was armed and had killed people. The taser was actually a much lower level of force than as needed. The police would have been totally justified in using a sniper to kill him. Yet you bitch about a taser? That once again proves that you are nothing but a cop hater with nothing constructive to say.

        Johnny Law

        December 12, 2010 at 8:27 pm

      • Thanks for your comment Johnny.

        I have never diminished the challenge, value or necessity of policing. Those brave and honourable police men and women of integrity I hold in the highest possible esteem. There is no more noble calling.

        The failure is in management, recruitment and training.

        My complaint was not about the use of a Taser against Moat. I agree with you that a sniper might well have been an appropriate response. It is the repeated failure, time after time, for the police to find an appropriate response and then, pathologically, to cover up and be secretive about their actions. I said “…some officers proved their courage and worth, others indulged in an orgy of technology, expense, hiding behind their procedures and precautions…Not a bad result but achieved in a dreadful way”.

        I am reminded of the Chelsea firearms incident – the barrister with a shotgun. An appalling response. I think the shooting was justifiable but the course of events and mistakes were dreadful and I’d pass exactly the same judgement on Jean Charles de Menezes. At the moment of decision the actions were correct but everything around it and leading up to it was disastrous.

        I try to be constructive.

        I’m not a cop hater. Some of my best friends are….

        Peter Reynolds

        December 12, 2010 at 9:10 pm

      • I don’t think you are being constructive though. These incidents are confusing chaotic things. While we all strive for perfection, I honestly can’t tell exactly what you disapprove of.

        If you think a sniper shot may have been appropriate, why would you have a problem with them trying the less lethal taser? While it may make the guy clinch and fire, it is not 100% likely to cause a fatal result like a sniper shot would.

        Johnny Law

        December 13, 2010 at 12:06 am

      • The point being an untested tazer your claim of 100% safe is a joke. Also the point of the rioting teens, where police brutality is sometimes called upon (in riots) but now your more likely to get leathered by a copper for speeding or by being drunk on a Saturday night for maybe being a bit mouthy.
        but when your torching shops, houses and looting its leg it!! When they should be doing their jobs!

        will haywood

        July 27, 2013 at 3:34 am

    • … so then it’s true what they say about the British police…!

      daniel carter

      December 10, 2010 at 7:06 pm

  2. From my perspective (wher eelse would I write from…, the police lost the respect of the general public through traffic policing.

    In most cases, this is the only occasion that ‘ordinary’ members of the public come into contact with plod. Unfortunately, from the mid ’70s onward that contact was usually with some inexperienced oik about town in a Vauxhall Chevette who really wanted to be in a Ford Capri on the motorway. How does he get there? By nicking people and boosting his figures and profile; how else?

    As the old joke used to go…

    “Why do traffic coppers go round in pairs?”
    “It’s for when they get to your registration plate – one can do numbers and the other can do letters.”


    October 17, 2010 at 9:42 am


    ‘For the first time, they will be given lists of sex offenders living on their patch so they can monitor them on a daily basis’.
    ‘And their radios will be fitted with global positioning systems so control rooms will know exactly where they are’.
    We have been doing this in WILTSHIRE for years.
    It’s just the old ‘beat crime unit’ model with a new name.
    All pointless when the Courts won’t send anyone down and ‘detections’ will soon suffer and they’ll all scuttle back to the offices to sort it out.


    October 17, 2010 at 9:13 pm

  4. Well said Peter. I’m not sure I agree entirely, but these are all points I expect to be examined if we had a force that seriously wanted to improve and serve the public. Writers like Punch and Markland have stressed accountability, but I’m afraid the establishment generally won’t move on this, preferring to keep up lying rhetoric rather than change practice.


    October 18, 2010 at 2:42 am

  5. I knew there was something I disagreed with. I rather like Regan – he was fair and quite a good copper. Gene Hunt is an incompetent. This may be the latter’s attraction to today’s troops – that and his inability to get it up despite the obvious offers.


    October 18, 2010 at 2:51 am

  6. […] a comment A short post by Peter Reynolds that makes many points on why so many of us are worried we have lost […]

  7. Peter.

    Thanks for this excellent article.

    In my opinion, your pretty much on the ball as to what will happen if elected commissioners are introduced. They will probably be subject to dirty tricks until one gets (s)elected who will not oppose the corruption in the force and actually, may well contribute to it.

    I think elected commissioners is actually a red-herring. The problem is that society as a whole is going down the tubes due to estrangement from spiritual values. I appreciate it’s going to be hard for non-believers to accept that point, nonetheless, it’s my view. The police force have just paralleled the decaying society.

    After that the re-moralisation of society (ain’t gonna happen ), I think police should be seeded from and in local communities. Recruiting local bobbies (I agree, walking the streets) and be accountable to the local populace. Why does what the police force do have to have central coordination? If there are good arguments for a coordinated/centralised connection, then surely it doesn’t have to involve complete ‘top-down’ administration. The larger the institution (e.g. County level police force) the easier it is for corruption to flourish. Lets make the police local. Surely it can’t be as bad as what we currently have?


    October 22, 2010 at 8:54 am

  8. “They’re even trying to frighten us over the spending cuts, suggesting that any reduction in police budgets will lead to increased crime and disorder.”

    I call that selling protection

    daniel carter

    December 10, 2010 at 6:37 pm

    • Except that the police will not be committing the crimes, just less able to protect you from them.

      Officer Dibble

      December 15, 2010 at 12:00 am

      • You mean like the way the police do now???

        will haywood

        July 27, 2013 at 3:25 am

  9. Peter Reynolds,the first attempt to tazer Raoul moat missed and the second one only one of the two spikes contaced him, so it could’nt send a charge,both were fired after he had shot himslef and was still conscious,
    Dixon of Dock Green was a fictional character who was shot dead in the Film the Blue lamp. yet he miracuosly came back to life for the T.V show, the dasy you can make police come back from the grave when killed,is the day you can hav epolce like that, As for Paul stephenson wanting his police to be able to commit perjury ,or the commetnson Delroy smellie, they were so wrong i don’t know where to begin, oh and if someone diagrees with you like Inspector gadget,well their view must be disgarcefull, then mustn’t it,

    John Reid

    March 24, 2011 at 8:28 pm

  10. The British Police are VERMIN!!!! God bless peter Medlicott, Harry Roberts, Barry Prudom and David Bieber!!! The only interest they have in is their OWN and for those traitors called politicians!!!

    spencer burrows

    March 30, 2011 at 9:53 am

  11. God bless PETER MEDLICOTT!

    Spencer Burrows

    August 29, 2011 at 9:56 pm

  12. The British police force are the worst of the worst!!

    Spencer Burrows

    August 29, 2011 at 9:58 pm

  13. Zyklon B then off to the crem for them subhuman vermin!

    Spencer Burrows

    August 29, 2011 at 10:01 pm

  14. You can tell who’s a copper and who isn’t. The point being, police break laws and commit more crimes than the crim’s their after. They constantly provoke and make up laws (filming in public the most common), not to mention try to intimidate you. They should be re named the ss! They do the same job.
    Nothing will change the police as “we all live in a fascist regime”

    will haywood

    July 27, 2013 at 3:24 am

  15. Pigs are scum

    will haywood

    July 27, 2013 at 3:36 am

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