Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘Islamist

Pakistan. The Uncomfortable Truth

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This may be a very uncomfortable truth but I think the world has made its moral judgement on Pakistan.  In a sense it is wonderful that the world has a collective moral conscience but it is a tragedy for the innocent Pakistanis.


The professional aid givers, campaigners and do gooders will do their best but the simple truth is that there is a complete inertia, an ambivalence about Pakistan because of the treason that it has committed against the human race.  Sympathy for individual suffering will continue but Pakistan is reaping what it has sown.

This may lead to even bigger problems.  There are thousands yet to die as a result of the floods.  Extremist Islamists, as the psychopaths that they are, will seek to exploit this and they may succeed.  Nevertheless, it will not alter, in fact it will probably reinforce the world’s antipathy for Pakistan.

As in all such crises what is needed is leadership.  Obama emerged from nowhere to rescue America from its descent into shame.  Let us pray that a real leader comes forward for Pakistan.

Republicans Reveal True Colours To Brits

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The story about the mosque being built at Ground Zero has been bubbling away for a few days.  This evening, on BBC Radio 4’s “PM” programme an interview with Scott Wheeler of the National Republican Trust fired my interest.  In fact, it made me explode with anger.

To start the interview Eddie Mair, the PM frontman, played a radio commercial opposing the construction of the mosque. The NRT has paid for its production and broadcast.   It is outrageous.  I think it would probably fall foul of the law here for “incitement to racial hatred”.

Here’s the TV version which uses the same audio track.  Setting Brush Fires, a US blogger,  found this for me.

I’ll repeat that name for you:  Scott Wheeler, of the National Republican Trust.   He’s the individual promoting these ideas.  If the boot was on the other foot he would now be at 30,000 feet on his way to Guantanamo Bay.

I hope that US Republicans are going to tell me that I’m wrong, that he’s a bit of a nutter and he and his cronies are unrepresentative of the mainstream.  I hope so because if this is what represents American free speech, for the first time ever, I’m not jealous of their written constitution.

These ideas are every bit as wicked as the preachings of Abu Hamza or Anjem Choudary, the Islamist extremists who have tried to influence Britain.   Scott Wheeler is exactly the same but the opposite.

These are the scum of the earth.

Iran Sanctions. Too Little, Too Late.

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Islamist Lunatic

As usual it ended up taking too long and it was watered down so far as to be ineffective.  UN Imposes Sanctions On Iran

Any reasonable person, be they Iranian, Israeli, European, American, any member of the human race with any sort of rational approach to the world knows that it’s not a good idea for Iran to have nuclear weapons.

I see no justification for Israel’s conduct in Gaza but if lunatic Islamists like Ahmadinejad go nuclear, Israel would have no option but to launch a pre-emptive strike.  Israel would have every justification in responding with extreme force to a threat that it will be “wiped off the face of the earth”.  The whole world would have to stand behind Israel.

If that pre-emptive strike has to come then it must come sooner rather than later so that it can be non-nuclear.  Iran must be stopped before it has a nuclear capability.

In the interests of peace a joint NATO/Israel strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities must be considered.  I expect that plans already exist.  Let us pray that Iran steps back.

Idiotic Israelis, Insane Islamists

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It astonishes me the bigotry, intolerance and crass stupidity demonstrated by so many who write for one side or the other on the terrible conflict in the Middle East.

Many of them are erudite and eloquent, passionate and caring – but only of their own cause.

I thought (maybe I’m wrong) that part of the idea of blogging was to comment on each other’s writing and participate in debate.

No chance!

So many of these obviously intelligent people censor comments that they disagree with and deem anyone who disagrees with them as a fascist, racist or xenophobe.   The vitriol I’ve attracted from some is almost unbelievable. They can’t understand that in one article I can condemn the evil behaviour of the Israelis and in the next I condemn the great evil that Islam has become. I can call some Israeli behaviour fascist.  I can call some Islamists perverters and defilers of Islam.

Some of these bloggers write (rant) at the most incredible length. They probably don’t have the benefit of my experience from which the most important thing I’ve learned is that even those people who agree with you will get bored if you go on and on and on and on and on…

It’s just a tip which you can ignore if you want but if you can’t get your point across in a couple of hundred words then maybe you should think again!

One individual (who I won’t embarrass by linking to), told me today that offering a link to my post on the subject was “an advert”, referred me to his “comments policy”, suggesting that I am a “xenophobic bigot”.

I explained to him that my comments policy is “please do”!

Abandon Afghanistan Now!

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Our so called leaders don’t listen to us.  They’ve abandoned any pretence of democracy by imposing a new European regime and president on us.  They don’t even listen to their expert advisors.  Instead they prolong an idiotic and discredited drugs strategy that brings violent crime to the streets of every town in the country and funds international terrorism.

Perhaps they will hear the crunch of Gulbeddin’s bullets as they smash into British flesh and bone?

Please listen!  Too many heroes have died or been cruelly maimed.  This foreign land is not worth it and the idea that this strategy is protecting us at home is nonsense.

Now is the time to abandon Afghanistan.  Leave behind the disgusting and corrupt Karzai for, sure enough, whatever we do, he is doomed to suffer a grisly and horrific fate.  Leave behind the Taliban for they are medieval evil but with no interest outside their own borders.  Leave behind the Afghan people because much as we may deplore their treatment of women and of each other that is their problem, not ours.  Bring our boys home!

As for Al Qaeda and the threat of a renegade nuclear Pakistan, let us install a small but powerful contingent of our most heavily armed troops, garrisoned in impregnable fortresses.  In conjunction with our allies they should be equipped with the very best that we have.  Mostly they can observe and use pilotless drones to interdict where necessary.  All movements should be done by helicopter because we have no real interest in “hearts and minds”.  When necessary, overwhelming, unrelenting and merciless force must be used against our enemies and yes, let our men have battlefield nuclear weapons too.  We need to blast these evil Islamists off the face of the earth.  There is no more time for patience or consideration or concern.