Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘Christopher Bovey

Chris Bovey Begins His Hate Campaign In March 2012.

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Bovey step1

In a Facebook discussion, on or about 29th March 2012, with Levent Akbulut, Orson Boon, Sanj Chowdhary, Greg Cure de Hoedt, Des Humphrey and Clark French.

Written by Peter Reynolds

February 1, 2014 at 7:06 pm

Chris Bovey’s Gang Of Twitter Trolls.

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This is the serial abuser Chris Bovey’s latest escapade – as vile, offensive and disgusting as everything else he’s been publishing about me since the end of March 2012.  This is the true measure of the man.

I’ve kept quiet about his behaviour and the vast quantity of evidence I have about him but as I wrote last week, I shall not be silent any more.  This is the sort of attack that I have been subject to on virtually a daily basis for nearly two years, all at the hands of the gang that Bovey runs and finances out of the profits from the sale of highly toxic, synthetic cannabinoids.

Just recently I’ve become aware of the way that so many women, similarly abused on Twitter, deal with it.  They re-tweet.  They display their abusers in all their shameful glory. That is what I’m now going to do with Bovey and his gang of trolls. I am going to publish all the disgusting abuse, blackmail, threats and harassment they have been engaged in, not just against me but against my family and my colleagues on the CLEAR executive committee.

This fake Twitter account, as you will see, has been set up in my name a few days ago (my genuine Twitter username is @TweeterReynolds) and has used a photo of me, copied from my Facebook page, which was only taken last Saturday when I was at a rugby match with my two sons.  This has been superimposed over a picture of a public toilet and uses a ‘paedophile information exchange’ header which shows an adult having sex with a child.   This sums up perfectly the typical behaviour and mindset of Bovey and his gang.

There are also pictures of Derek Williams and Mark Palmer (wearing his ‘dealer’ costume when we were filming a video). Derek and Mark are two of the longest serving and most respected cannabis law reform campaigners in Britain. Shortly I will publish an article detailing the abuse that Bovey and his gang have subjected them to. In particular, disgusting intimidation and threats against Derek and the most dreadful abusive bullying by Bovey in person which will shock any decent person when they read it.

I didn’t know what the NAMbLA logo was until I googled it.  It’s the North American Man/Boy Love Association, a paedophile advocacy group.  Perhaps Bovey got this idea from Greg ‘Cure Ukay’ de Hoedt.  He spent six months posting messages on Facebook that I am a paedophile and posting forged sex profiles of me.  I am hopeful of obtaining judgment against him in the High Court very shortly. There must be many people who don’t know the true character of those who set up NORML UK after their hijack of the CLEAR website and theft of our membership list.  They have dragged the good name of NORML into the gutter in Britain.

There is a vast quantity of evidence of Bovey’s abuse which I shall be posting over the next few weeks.